This post is part three of a six part series featuring Carlye Rose, an adorable Coton de Tulear. Each year I have the pleasure of photographing Carlye for her birthday. What a great way to document the changes and growth that each year brings! The images in this post were created to make a coffee table book. The captions will guide you along.
We started outside. Carlye Rose just loves to pose!
Carlye Rose lives the good life. I’m pretty sure she considers herself royalty and her parents are her loyal subjects. This is one dog who definitely is doted on — as she should be! Dogs bring so much joy into our lives. Where would we be without them?
At this point, Carlye had had enough of sitting on her chair, and we wanted to do something a little more unique. Carlye’s mom had seen the project I had been working on with dogs’ at their owners’ feet (Fidos and Footwear), so it was time to break out the shoes! Dad joined in too! What fun!
Carlye’s birthday is in July and it’s always been rather warm for her sessions. This year wasn’t any different from the first two years. She let us know it was time to head inside. Her living room is gorgeously decorated with beautiful artwork and lots of purple accents. It’s really a fun place to play and pose!
See you next week for Take Four! If you’re falling in love with this breed, here are some helpful links to see if this dog is right for you.
United States of America Coton de Tulear Club
North American Coton Association There’s a show coming up in Texas at the end of May!